
【Head Office】
Address 6-15, Minami-horikawamachi, Kaita-cho, Aki-gun, Hiroshima, 736-0044 Japan (Crystal-Bldg 1F)
T e l 81-82-822-1336
F a x 81-82-822-1338
Access from The nearest station ・ JR Hiroshima Station → Sanyo Main Line (Kure Line) Kaitaichi Station getting off (for time required approximately ten)
・ It is 15 minutes on foot from the Kaita station
・ Is a car than JR Hiroshima Station; approximately 10km (pour it into the basement parking area from the building backside)

【Kansai Branch】
Address 1-12-8,Minami-tsukaguchimachi, Amagasaki-shi, Hyogo, 661-0012
(Souther-Bldg Room 502)
T e l 81-6-6809-3871
F a x 81-6-6809-3872
Access from The nearest station ・Hankyu Corporation Hankyu Umeda Station → Hankyu Tsukaguchi Station getting off (for time required approximately 10-15)
・It is approximately two minutes on foot from the Hankyu Tsukaguchi Station south exit
・Is a car than JR Osaka Station; approximately 12km

【Kyusyu Business Office】
Address 2-9-8, Asano, Kitakyusyu, Fukuoka 802-0001, Japan
(Kokura Kousan KMM South Building Room 302)
T e l 81-93-551-0670
F a x 81-93-482-3367
Access from The nearest station ・ It is approximately five minutes on foot from the JR Kokura Station North Exit

【 Fukuyama Satellite Office 】
■From JR Sanyo Main Line Daimon Station approximately 4km
1-24-12, Tsubou-cho, Fukuyama Hiroshima, 721-0903, Japan
TEL&FAX 81-84-948-1701